Mastermind Groups

All of us are faced with challenges everyday, some larger than others

Mastermind groups are small supportive and collaborative teams that come together to share knowledge, experiences, and insights

The value of participating in a mastermind group includes several positive outcomes:

  • Expanded Network

  • Diverse Perspectives

  • Accountability and Motivation

  • Personal and Professional Growth

  • Increased Confidence

  • Problem-Solving and Idea Generation

  • Decision Support

We all have a choice on how best to use our time, participants will attest that the small amount of time spent with their groups have provided lots of value in all aspects of their lives

Contact us for a free overview of what Mastermind groups are and why you need to participate in them.

Learn more and Join a Group

  • Schedule a meeting to learn about Masterminds

  • Attend a Mastermind group meeting

  • Make the decision and join

  • Formally join a group

Participation Includes

  • Membership in a 8-10 person mastermind group

  • Facilitated meetings twice a month with experienced facilitator

  • Monthly accountability check-ins

  • Networking and social events, when scheduled

  • Access to in-person annual retreat, when scheduled

  • Access to mastermind group reference materials